About Us
The company name Daraudi Kalika Hydro Pvt.Ltd. established in 2064/063 with intension to meet energy
demand of the country. In 2072 Ashoj, the company listed as public limited company with the core
aspects in hydropower development. The Daraundi A small hydroelectric project(6.4MW) has completed
inorder to harness the water resource of the middle reaches of daraudi River.Daraundi A small
hydroelectric project (6.4MW) is located at Gorkha District of Western Development Region. The intake
site is located near Muchoktar village of Muchok VDC,1000m upstream of jhylla khola. The powerhouse
site is situated near chanaute village of muchok VDC just upstream of confluence between Daraundi
Khola and Syagdi Khola.The project area can be approached using track road originating from Gorkha
Highway. In the year 2015, Nepal face trade embargo from India. As, the company face the scarcity to
supply material to the project site. With the core support of the team and vendor, we manage to supply
the material in stipulated time and successfully develop the project.
The company major focus is to develop the socio economic aspects of the country and strengthen the
hydropower sector of the company. The project has created a milestone in Gorkha region with giving
confidence to power producing company within the country. The remarkable example set up by the
kalika power company limited is great learning experience for other energy producing company as well.